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What's Included


What's Included?

The retreat will be held over six days from May 23rd to 28th, 2020. The cost, including just about everything, starts at $1500. The post-retreat extension tour will take place immediately following, from May 28th-30th, and starts at $500.

What’s Included

• Five nights accommodation at a popular design hostel in Tel Aviv
• Two meals a day
• Four two hour aerial arts workshops with Brenna 
• Five mat yoga classes and/or bands and sculpt sessions with Alex
• One pole lesson with a local pole fitness icon
• One trapeze lesson with a local trapeze duo
• One stand up paddle board tour with a local surf goddess• A professionally produced aerial highlight reel shoot  
• A custom welcome bag
• All tips for tour guides and drivers
• Professional photos of the trip
• Donation to local charities

What’s Included in the Post-Retreat Extension Tour 

• Two nights accommodation at a lively design hostel in Jerusalem
• A private desert party bus day tour stopping for a cable car ride up Mount Masada, a walk though Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, and a float at the Dead Sea
• Hummus making workshop
• Winery tour
• Daily breakfast and Shabbat dinner

What’s Not Included

• Flights or airport transfers
• Additional meals, drinks or activities not specific in the itinerary
• Mandatory travel insurance